Jerry Marterer
Feb 3, 2021
Romance in Paris
By Jerry Marterer If Paris is arguably the world’s most romantic city, how do Parisians make it more so on Valentine’s Day? This...
Martine P. Dulles
Aug 12, 2020
A gem in northern France: Cassel and its museum
Le Carnet de France Since 2012, one of the most popular programs on French television is entitled “Le Village préféré des Français” (the...
Jerry Marterer
Aug 5, 2020
France — where everyone is an artiste
In France, no detail is too small to overlook or minimize. It seems that everyone is an artiste and connaisseur with an opinion, and they...
Jerry Marterer
Jul 1, 2020
The Dog Days in Paris
Every summer, Paris seems to shut down for July and August as its residents leave on their annual vacations. They travel to holiday homes...
Jerry Marterer
Jun 4, 2020
Tea vs. coffee in Paris
When we think of cultures where tea is popular, China, Japan and England usually come to mind. But in Paris, tea drinking is hardly the...
Martine P. Dulles
Jun 3, 2020
In Tours, the train station’s where to head for bread
Le Carnet de France Every Friday afternoon, hundreds of Tourangeaux (residents of Tours) walk towards the train station — not to take...
Jerry Marterer
Apr 2, 2020
Minding your (French) Manners
There is a saying in the United States — “Little things mean a lot.” I think it was even the name of a song in the 1950s. In France,...
Martine P. Dulles
Mar 4, 2020
Special exhibits in Ghent and Paris
Le carnet de France By Martine P. Dulles Spring is coming, as you know and — maybe amid all the troubles (Gilets Jaunes, strikes and now...
Martine P. Dulles
Feb 6, 2020
Celebrating the life and work of Pierre Soulages
Le carnet de France Le Musée du Louvre is showing an unusual exhibit right now, to be presented until March 9, 2020. Why unusual? We know...
Jerry Marterer
Feb 5, 2020
The Parisian waiter
Parisian waiters are legendary for both their skill and their sometime-brusque attitude but — above all, they are professionals … even...