Jeffrey Kaplan
Mar 4, 2020
The Chosen People in the Holy City: Three and a quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part VIII: The Reformed Society of Israelites of Charleston: The first expression of Reform Judaism in the United States The previous...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Feb 6, 2020
The Chosen People In The Holy City
Part VII: The 1820s: Charleston’s Jewish Population Begins To Decrease/Many Charleston Jews Seek Opportunities Elsewhere/Reform Judaism...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Nov 5, 2019
The chosen people in the Holy City Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part V: Charleston’s Jews increase in numbers, dedicate a new synagogue and expand their profile The end of the American Revolution saw...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Oct 3, 2019
The chosen people in the Holy City: Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part III: A Synagogue, Communal Life and Dissension We saw in last month’s article that Charleston’s Jews began to increase in numbers in...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Oct 2, 2019
The chosen people in the Holy City Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part IV: Jewish Heroes, Jewish Patriots and (a few) Jewish Loyalists in South Carolina The story of South Carolina’s Jews is very largely...

Jeffrey Kaplan
Jul 31, 2019
The chosen people in the Holy City: Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
Part II: Charleston’s Early Jews Vote, Gradually Increase in Numbers The colony of Carolina was a remarkably accepting place for people...
Jeffrey Kaplan
Jul 8, 2019
Three-and-a-quarter centuries of Jewish life in Charleston
The chosen people in the Holy City Part I: The Beginnings Jews are not newcomers to Charleston. The first settlement in the new colony of...